%AM, %09 %052 %2017 %00:%Jan


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Early Greeks wove marjoram into funeral wreaths and planted it on graves to symbolize their loved ones' happiness both in life and beyond. There are many species of this ancient herb, which is a member of the mint family. The most widely available is sweet marjoram, usually simply called "marjoram." It has oval, inch-long, pale green leaves and a mild, sweet, oregano like flavor. In fact, wild marjoram is another name for oregano.

Marjoram is available fresh in some produce markets and supermarkets with large fresh-herb sections. Marjoram can be used to flavour a variety of foods, particularly meats (especially lamb and veal) and vegetables. Because marjoram's flavour is so delicate, it's best added toward the end of the cooking time so its essence doesn't completely dissipate.

Read 3808 times Last modified on %AM, %11 %185 %2017 %03:%Jan
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