%AM, %09 %057 %2017 %00:%Jan


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This native Mediterranean herb has been enjoyed for centuries for both its culinary and medicinal uses. The name comes from a derivative of the Latin salvus, meaning "safe," a reference to the herb's believed healing powers. The narrow, oval, gray-green leaves of this pungent herb are slightly bitter and have a musty mint taste and aroma. Small bunches of fresh sage are available year-round in many supermarkets.

Choose sage by its fresh color and aroma. Refrigerate wrapped in a paper towel and sealed in a plastic bag for up to 4 days. Dried sage comes whole, rubbed (crumbled) and ground. It should be stored in a cool, dark place for no more than 6 months. Sage is commonly used in dishes containing pork, cheese and beans, and in poultry and game stuffing's. Sausage makers also frequently use it to flavour their products.

Read 3261 times Last modified on %AM, %11 %191 %2017 %03:%Jan
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